Saturday, August 29, 2015

Wake up Grumpy?

I peeled opened my eyelids. Morning again? As I stumbled drowsily out of bed, I recalled a quote from one of Living Waters tracts – “Sometimes I wake up grumpy; other times I let her sleep." Well, then today was going to be one of the rare days I’m not letting her sleep!

I thought about the long day ahead of me. Coursework, homework, assignments, preparation for various things… And what did you say? I’m supposed to cook lunch as well? Couldn’t my family just be a little more considerate? “God, why is it arranged that I have to cook today?” I pouted. “I'm overwhelmed already! Besides, well… Anyway, it’s unfair!”

And so the day started, dragging pitiful me along. Soon, I was buried (actually, not quite) under textbooks, to do lists, binders, and the like. I did each page of homework with the least passion I could un-muster. Deep down, I knew my attitude was negatively affecting those around me, but I tried to ignore that thought. Then, as you know, the clock and the stomach signaled that it was time to prepare lunch. I groaned. After all, wasn’t this the very thing that ruined my morning?

A while later, I stood before the stove, spatula in hand. As I flung the contents of the pan around (which is, by the way, a bad way to cook), I heard the voice. Not a clear, audible voice, but more like the deep impression of the still, small voice of the Holy Spirit. "Make the joy of the LORD is your strength."

"Not again!" I thought to myself. But this time, I knew better than to argue. At first, I complied rather grudgingly, muttering the words of Nehemiah 8:10 to myself. But then, His joy truly became my strength.  All of sudden, I remembered what I read during morning devotions.  It was as if God had said to me, "Because you cast your burden on  Me, I will, and am, sustaining you." (a very paraphrased version of Psalm 55:22a)

I went from wallowing in the depths of self-pity to soaring on eagle's wings! I could finally see the blessings that God had given me. Remembering one of the "challenges" I had been challenged to do whenever I was in a difficult situation, I made myself think of three things I was grateful for about the situation.

1. Other people were helping me cook lunch that day.
2. We actually have food to eat.
3. I would have something to write about on the blog :)

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