Saturday, September 26, 2015

Was lost, but...

It happened on the plane. I was taking a quick stretch break during the stopover when the flight attendant came up to me. "Did you lose a bracelet?" he asked.

"No, I wasn't wearing one." I thought to myself.

But I'm sure a look of horror appeared on my face when I sub-consciously glanced down at my hands. It wasn't a cheap plastic bracelet I lost, it was my ring. 

Dad had given me the beautifully engraved purity ring only a couple months prior. I loved it, and it was a constant reminder to me of both my earthly father's love and my Heavenly Father's love, among other things.

A gift from my earthly father, who loves me very much

But now? What had I done? I believed I had it on when out plane had taken off. After that, I fell asleep, woke up, and then it was gone. I was bewildered. Even I couldn't believe it!

Much to their credit, the airline personnel did what they could to help me, but to no avail. I spent the final leg of the plane ride agonizing.

Beside filing a Lost Item Report when I got home, I decided to add "Find My Ring" to my prayer journal. I might have had quite a bit of faith to start with, but it steadily dwindled each passing day.

Then I finally attacked the chore of unpacking my suitcase. I sat down and folded the piles of clothes, the clean ones, that is. After dumping the dirty ones in the hamper, the suitcase almost looked like what it did before it began the adventure. 

I unzipped the side pockets and pulled out the small miscellaneous items hidden there. About to stow away the empty luggage case, I checked the last pouch. In the deep recesses of fabric, there lay something. Something shiny. Something silver. Something... like my ring? I pulled it out and there it was. I was overjoyed!

Then I woke up. So it was a dream? More flustered than ever, I didn't know what to do. I must confess that I did check the pouch of my luggage, and lo and behold, nothing was there. Should I just keep praying? I'll admit my faith was dissipating quickly, but I did continue praying. 

Then the Lost Item Report came back with a message.
"We are sorry to report that, despite our best efforts, our search for your lost item was unsuccessful, and the report is now closed."

Many months passed, and though I still prayed, there were days when I thought I should just cross out the "Find My Ring" page from my prayer journal.

One morning, I opened my Bible to so my devotions. Honestly, I didn't want to. I was angry at a particular person and I couldn't bring myself to read my Bible.  So I just sprawled on the floor, bitterness boiling inside of me.

Out of the corner of my eyes I saw something. From the angle I was at, I couldn’t tell if it was my ring, an ordinary key chain ring, or simply a mirage. Unable to contain my curiosity, I quickly grabbed it.

It was a ring. But unlike mine, it was gold in color. And studded with these glimmering things.

I stood up. Was this real? I didn’t know. I put it on my finger. Of course it fit.

I was overwhelmed by God’s goodness. He is too good to me. He didn’t abandon me when I abandoned Him. Instead, He showed me His love in a way I never imagined.

And the ring? It was real, and it’s mine now:)

My devotions? My Bible was filled with more meaning, more depth, more “real-ness” than I ever knew.

Oh, and the bitterness I held? God enabled me to resolve it. How can you hold a grudge when God has done something like that for you?

A gift from my Heavenly Father, whose love I cannot comprehend

Saturday, September 19, 2015

It's the little things - Answered Prayers

Sometimes God answers yes when I pray
 Sometimes God answers wait when I pray
 Sometimes God answer no, just because He loves me so
 But I know He always answers when I pray

One of the things that encourages me the most are God's answers to my prayers - often the smallest things. (Note: There are so many more of these, but I just didn't feel like driving myself up a wall trying to putting all into words - writing isn't all that easy, you know:)) 

A few weeks ago, we were volunteering at a Christian organization that processes and ships food to places in need. One of the ways they do it is to sun-dry peaches that are donated to them. We had so much fun helping them process the fruit while we were there. One of the tasks we did was to stack the large trays of dried peaches that sat in the sun. It was a physically exerting task, but I thoroughly enjoyed it... except for one factor. The same sun that dried the peaches so quickly was also drenching me in sweat. On one of these occasions, I prayed that God would send a breeze to lower the temperature. And just like that, a gentle wind immediately blew through the field. I had half-expected it, but it still took me by surprise. I was awed, and just thinking about that incident gave me a great dose of encouragement for days afterward.

Another one of those answered prayers happened a couple days ago, when my Dad and I were on the road. We had just begun to notice the rain clouds darkening the morning sky. For those of you who don't know, rain is a rare, albeit very needed thing in the summer months where we live. At this point my Dad and I were about a hour's drive away from home. I knew that if it was raining where we were then (and it was not), it was likely to be still as sunny as ever where we lived. Although I must confess that my faith was nearly non-existent, I still shot up a prayer and asked God to send rain to our hometown.

Much later that day, we finished the day's activities and headed back home. I was elated to find that thick clouds had gathered over out yard. Though I knew that these clouds weren't exactly promising, I was satisfied that enough of these fluffy-looking things had gathered to darken the sky.

I had almost forgotten my prayer that morning when someone yelled, "It's raining!" 

Call unto me, and I will answer thee, and shew thee great and mighty things, which thou knowest not. -Jeremiah 33:3  

Thursday, September 10, 2015

Lessons in a Sunday School Classroom

I'll admit it. Though I knew I was scheduled to teach Sunday School, I definitely did not have adequate preparation. Worse, I was exhausted - spiritually, emotionally, and physically. As I stood there at church during worship, I knew I was in no shape to teach these nursery-aged kids. "God," I silently cried out, "help me."

Meanwhile, I was racking my head for ideas on how to fill the time later that day. There was the Bible lesson, where I had even forgotten the Scripture reference to, the snack, the craft... "The craft!" I gasped to myself, "Where was it?" Was it already in the classroom, or had I left it had home? (I told you I was exhausted!)

Just as I was about to dash out of the sanctuary into the classroom to check the whereabouts of the craft, I felt the prompting of the Holy Spirit again. "Just stay here and worship me. I'll take care of the rest." So, I just stood there as time continued to tick by. All too soon, worship came to an end - which meant it was time for the children's Sunday School.

As I followed the throng of children to the classrooms, I told God something along the lines of, "I'm still exhausted and not any more enthusiastic than I started out. What should I do now?"  His gentle voice replied, "You don't have to feel enthusiastic to be enthusiastic. Enthusiasm = I in you. I am in you. Just believe." "Alright," I answered, nearing the door of the classroom.

The first thing I did was glance around to see if I could locate the craft. Lo and behold, there it was, sitting on the corner of the table.  I let out a sigh of relief as I thanked God, my spirits much higher.

Quickly, we started the first activity.Then amazing things started happening. I was about to go into the Bible lesson when God gave me the perfect object lesson to transition from the first activity to the Bible lesson. And it was age-appropriate! It's not every day that I find an object lesson that two to four year olds understand and enjoy!

I was stunned. After all, it was my fault that I didn't have enough planning. But God, in His great mercy, was still willing to help me. The rest of the time was incredible. The children were attentive and I almost felt like a spectator watching God's goodness unfold. When craft time rolled around, I breathed another prayer of thanks.

P.S. Would you pray for me as I prepare for next week's lesson? :)