Friday, September 2, 2016

Coming Back Soon! With...

This past summer has really flown by! (Isn't that what I always say? Oh well, but it's true!) With an [over]abundance of activities, events, tasks, and whatever-you-may-call-it's, this poor blog's owner is once again in danger of being charged with blog neglect.

One of the things that kept me occupied during the summer was the National Bible Bee. It's a fantastic program that our family had been doing  for the past couple years that encourages families to study and memorize God's Word in the form of an delightfully impassioned friendly competition. It's really been a blessing to have that kind of motivation and accountability to spend time with God in His Word. Now that summer is fading away, the "Local" part of the Bible Bee is finished. However, we're now endowed once again with the splendid privilege of participating in the "National" part of the competition, where the higher ranking participants from "Locals" get to compete with and cheer on one another.

As part of the Nationals deal, participants do an in depth study of a specific book of the Bible, which, for this year, is 1 John! Which leads into the purpose of this post...
I've been challenged over the summer to meditate on God's Word. It was incredible to see what God did through that, and I really want to continue that through the fall, too. So now, I'm planning on breaking 1 John up into smaller sections, meditating on them for a couple days, and then writing a short blog post about it. That way, the blog could have its own little series going on for a while, and its author could have some accountability to continue with meditation (because meditation is important and this malnourished blog is starving for some attention).

Here's a disclaimer, though. My access to this blog will probably be limited the next couple weeks. So if the posts stop showing up for a while, it might mean that a volatile substance know as WiFi has once again vanished:)

Thank you all for your patience with me and congratulations on wading through this rant-of-a-post:) May God bless you all with His abundant blessings!


  1. That's great you made it to Nats! My sister was invited to join but we've decided we won't do it this year.

    1. Aww... Thank you Gloria! I'll really miss you all. His word never returns void, though! Keep looking to Him:) You're such an encouragement to me:)
