Saturday, October 31, 2015

Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus

"It's been such a busy, busy week, and it's going to get busier today!" I thought to myself this morning. "And, yikes! I have to write a blog post too! What in the world can I write about?" 

I wasn't quite overwhelmed yet, but "packed" might describe this past week. Or it seems as if the word "flurry" may portray it better. However, regardless of what I was thinking, I opened my Bible, preparing to do my morning devotions. The very first verse that I was to read was the below. 

I will lift up mine eyes unto the hills, from whence cometh my help. (Psalm 121:1)

I don't know what that verse means to you, but it immediately brought to my mind a lesson I learned a while ago. A biology lesson, to be specific. ("Of all things! You might say.)
Allow me to rephrase it in my own words.

As you were reading this post, I would guess that you have already done this activity many times. Now, I ask that you do it again. Blink.  While you perform this necessary task, your upper eyelid lowers until it meets your lower eyelid. Now blink again. Notice how your eyeball turns upward slightly while your eyelids close.

 Most of the time when we pray, we close our eyes. And now you know that as we lift our spiritual eyes up to God in prayer, our physical eyes are also directed upward.

As this little science lesson came flooding back to my mind this morning, I thanked Him for speaking to me in one of my favorite "languages" - His intricate creation. What a reminder for me to "turn my eyes upon Jesus" in the midst of  the chaos around me.

I'll lift my eyes to You, Jesus. And thank you for the built-in, lifelong, constant reminder! 


  1. I love this article. It's easier to understand that scripture when you put it into this perspective. Thank you!

    1. Thank you so much, Mrs. McNally! It is a great encouragement to me to have you say that:) God is so good. And, I have to add, thank you for what you are doing for all of us!
